Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Items Off Map | Objekt utanför kartan | Details | |
Please merge Maps that have diverged by inconsistent updates before editing this Map.↵ You can find diverged maps by looking in the Maps tree for two or more Maps that have the same name and the same parent Map.↵ Once you navigate to the Map that should be kept, please press the Merge Maps button. | Please merge Maps that have diverged by inconsistent updates before editing this Map. You can find diverged maps by looking in the Maps tree for two or more Maps that have the same name and the same parent Map. Once you navigate to the Map that should be kept, please press the Merge Maps button. | Details | |
Please merge Maps that have diverged by inconsistent updates before editing this Map.↵ You can find diverged maps by looking in the Maps tree for two or more Maps that have the same name and the same parent Map.↵ Once you navigate to the Map that should be kept, please press the Merge Maps button. Please merge Maps that have diverged by inconsistent updates before editing this Map.↵ You can find diverged maps by looking in the Maps tree for two or more Maps that have the same name and the same parent Map.↵ Once you navigate to the Map that should be kept, please press the Merge Maps button.
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Please Merge Diverged Maps | Slå samman avvikande kartor | Details | |
Config Update | Konfigurationsuppdatering | Details | |
The configuration on one or more servers changed before you answered the merge confirmation message. Please verify that the maps you want to merge are still available and try the merge again. | Konfiguraitonen på en eller flera servrar ändrades innan meddelandet om att slå samman kartor bekräftdes. Vänligen kontrollera att de kartor du vill slå samman fortfarande är tillgängliga och försök igen. | Details | |
The configuration on one or more servers changed before you answered the merge confirmation message. Please verify that the maps you want to merge are still available and try the merge again. Konfiguraitonen på en eller flera servrar ändrades innan meddelandet om att slå samman kartor bekräftdes. Vänligen kontrollera att de kartor du vill slå samman fortfarande är tillgängliga och försök igen.
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Changes Not Saved | Ändringarna sparades inte | Details | |
Some systems you were attempting to update have rejected the update.↵ Please check that these systems are working correctly and that any map graphics↵ you are trying to use are not more than 2 megabytes in size. | Some systems you were attempting to update have rejected the update. Please check that these systems are working correctly and that any map graphics you are trying to use are not more than 2 megabytes in size. | Details | |
Some systems you were attempting to update have rejected the update.↵ Please check that these systems are working correctly and that any map graphics↵ you are trying to use are not more than 2 megabytes in size. Some systems you were attempting to update have rejected the update.↵ Please check that these systems are working correctly and that any map graphics↵ you are trying to use are not more than 2 megabytes in size.
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Map has items from one or more systems that you do not have configuration privileges for. | Kartan innehåller objekt från ett eller fler system där du saknar konfigurationsrättigheter. | Details | |
Map has items from one or more systems that you do not have configuration privileges for. Kartan innehåller objekt från ett eller fler system↵ där du saknar konfigurationsrättigheter.
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Items from non-enterprise servers are not allowed on child maps. | Objekt från icke Enterprise-servrar är inte tillåtna på underkartor. | Details | |
Items from non-enterprise servers are not allowed on child maps. Objekt från icke Enterprise-servrar är inte tillåtna på underkartor.
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Item already on map - drag aborted | Objektet finns redan på kartan | Details | |
Item already on map - drag aborted Objektet finns redan på kartan
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This Map has items from one or more systems↵ that you do not have configuration privileges for. | Kartan innehåller objekt från ett eller fler system där du saknar konfigurationsrättigheter. | Details | |
This Map has items from one or more systems↵ that you do not have configuration privileges for. Kartan innehåller objekt från ett eller fler system↵ där du saknar konfigurationsrättigheter.
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Missing Config Privileges | Konfigurationsrättigheter saknas | Details | |
Missing Config Privileges Konfigurationsrättigheter saknas
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Unmount | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Error switching pages. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Delete Bookmark | Ta bort bokmärke | Details | |
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