Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Unknown Image Format | Okänt format | Details | |
The image you selected is in an unfamiliar format.↵ Please convert it or select another. | Vald bild har ett okänt format. Vänligen välj en annan bild. | Details | |
The image you selected is in an unfamiliar format.↵ Please convert it or select another. Vald bild har ett okänt format.↵ Vänligen välj en annan bild.
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Changing this group's icon will cause an unused icon to be deleted from the server. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Changing this group's icon will cause an unused icon to be deleted from the server.
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Deleting this group will remove its custom icon from the server. | Om gruppen tas bort kommer den skräddarsydda ikonen att tas bort från servern. | Details | |
Deleting this group will remove its custom icon from the server. Om gruppen tas bort kommer den skräddarsydda ikonen att tas bort från servern.
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This will permanently delete this Map and all of its children you have configuration privileges on. | Detta kommer att radera denna karta och alla dess underkartor. Vill du fortsätta? | Details | |
This will permanently delete this Map and all of its children you have configuration privileges on. Detta kommer att radera denna karta och alla dess underkartor.↵ Vill du fortsätta?
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This will permanently delete this View. | Kartan kommer att tas bort. Vill du fortsätta? | Details | |
This will permanently delete this View. Kartan kommer att tas bort.↵ Vill du fortsätta?
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The current Map has not been saved. | Kartan har inte sparats. Vill du fortsätta? | Details | |
The current Map has not been saved. Kartan har inte sparats.↵ Vill du fortsätta?
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Invalid Map Name | Ogiltigt kartnamn | Details | |
Another Group already has this name. | En karta eller grupp med samma namn finns redan. | Details | |
Another Group already has this name. En karta eller grupp med samma namn finns redan.
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Map Graphic Transmission Failure | Ett överföringsfel inträffade när kartan skulle överföras | Details | |
Map Graphic Transmission Failure Ett överföringsfel inträffade när kartan skulle överföras
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The map graphic was not successfully transmitted to server '%s' | Kartan kunde inte laddas upp till servern '%s' | Details | |
The map graphic was not successfully transmitted to server '%s' Kartan kunde inte laddas upp till servern '%s'
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Server Disconnect | Koppla från server | Details | |
The system '%s' disconnected before responding that the map graphic was successfully received.↵ Please check that the system is working correctly and that the map graphic↵ you are trying to use is not more than 2 megabytes in size. | The system '%s' disconnected before responding that the map graphic was successfully received. Please check that the system is working correctly and that the map graphic you are trying to use is not more than 2 megabytes in size. | Details | |
The system '%s' disconnected before responding that the map graphic was successfully received.↵ Please check that the system is working correctly and that the map graphic↵ you are trying to use is not more than 2 megabytes in size. The system '%s' disconnected before responding that the map graphic was successfully received.↵ Please check that the system is working correctly and that the map graphic↵ you are trying to use is not more than 2 megabytes in size.
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This operation will apply the map background from the map you are currently looking at and found on the %s:↵ %s↵ to the other maps with the same name and found on the %s:↵ %s. | This operation will apply the map background from the map you are currently looking at and found on the %s: %sto the other maps with the same name and found on the %s:%s.Vill du fortsätta? | Details | |
This operation will apply the map background from the map you are currently looking at and found on the %s:↵ %s↵ to the other maps with the same name and found on the %s:↵ %s. This operation will apply the map background from the map you are currently looking at and found on the %s:↵ %sto the other maps with the same name and found on the %s:%s.Vill du fortsätta?
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Some Map items were positioned off of the Map.↵ They have been moved to the center of the map for you to reposition. | En del objekt var positionerade utanför kartbilden. Objekten har flyttats till kartans centrum. | Details | |
Some Map items were positioned off of the Map.↵ They have been moved to the center of the map for you to reposition. En del objekt var positionerade utanför kartbilden.↵ Objekten har flyttats till kartans centrum.
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