Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Spin Retry Count | Çevirme deneme sayısı | Details | |
Power-On Hours (POH) | Güç Bağlı Saatler (POH) | Details | |
Seek Time Performance | Zaman Prfonmansı Ara | Details | |
Seek Error Rate | Hata Oranı Ara | Details | |
Read Channel Margin→ | Kanal Marjı Oku | Details | |
Reallocated Sector Count | Yeniden Ayrılan Sektör Sayısı | Details | |
Start / Stop count | Başla / Bitir sayısı | Details | |
Spin-up time | Dönüş zamanı | Details | |
Throughput Performance | Throughput Performansı | Details | |
Read Error Rate | Okuma Hatası Oranı | Details | |
Property | Özellik | Details | |
Initiating drive preparation will permanently delete all video stored on the drive. Any video previously recorded to the volume will no longer be searchable. | Disk bölümü türünü değiştirirseniz bu bölümde saklanan tüm videolar silinecektir. Bölüme kaydedilen her video silinecektir. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz? | Details | |
Initiating drive preparation will permanently delete all video stored on the drive. Any video previously recorded to the volume will no longer be searchable. Disk bölümü türünü değiştirirseniz bu bölümde saklanan tüm videolar silinecektir. Bölüme kaydedilen her video silinecektir. Devam etmek istiyor musunuz?
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Removing hot spare will prevent RAID controller from automatically recovering from a drive failure. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Removing hot spare will prevent RAID controller from automatically recovering from a drive failure.
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This disk will automatically replace a failed disk in a RAID configuration. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This disk will automatically replace a failed disk in a RAID configuration.
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Changing the number of volumes will permanently delete all video on the disk. Any previously recorded video on the disk will no longer be searchable. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Changing the number of volumes will permanently delete all video on the disk. Any previously recorded video on the disk will no longer be searchable.
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