Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
PTZ Focus Near | PTZ Focus Near | Details | |
Focuses far with the current camera. | Fokuserar långt borta med aktuell kamera. | Details | |
Focuses far with the current camera. Fokuserar långt borta med aktuell kamera.
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PTZ Focus Far | PTZ Focus Far | Details | |
Decreases the speed of the Pan and Tilt. Will decrease the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. | Minskar hastighet för Pan och Tilt. Minska hastighet för Digital PTZ om aktiverad. | Details | |
Decreases the speed of the Pan and Tilt. Will decrease the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. Minskar hastighet för Pan och Tilt. Minska hastighet för Digital PTZ om aktiverad.
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Decrease PTZ Pan/Tilt Speed | Minska PTZ Pan/Tilt-hastighet | Details | |
Decrease PTZ Pan/Tilt Speed Minska PTZ Pan/Tilt-hastighet
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Increases the speed of the Pan and Tilt. Will increase the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. | Ökar hastighet för Pan och Tilt. Ökar hastighet för Digital PTZ om aktiverad. | Details | |
Increases the speed of the Pan and Tilt. Will increase the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. Ökar hastighet för Pan och Tilt. Ökar hastighet för Digital PTZ om aktiverad.
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Increase PTZ Pan/Tilt Speed | Öka PTZ Pan/Tilt-hastighet | Details | |
Decreases the speed of the Zoom. Will decrease the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. | Minskar Zoomhastighet. Minskar Digital PTZ zoomhastighet om aktiverad. | Details | |
Decreases the speed of the Zoom. Will decrease the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. Minskar Zoomhastighet. Minskar Digital PTZ zoomhastighet om aktiverad.
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Decrease PTZ Zoom Speed | Minska PTZ Zoom-hastighet | Details | |
Increases the speed of the Zoom. Will increase the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. | Ökar Zoomhastighet. Ökar Digital PTZ zoomhastighet om aktiverad. | Details | |
Increases the speed of the Zoom. Will increase the Digital PTZ speed when it is enabled. Ökar Zoomhastighet. Ökar Digital PTZ zoomhastighet om aktiverad.
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Increase PTZ Zoom Speed | Öka PTZ Zoom-hastighet | Details | |
Zooms out with the current camera. Will use the Digital PTZ when it is enabled. | Zommar ut med aktuell kamera. Digital PTZ används om aktiverad. | Details | |
Zooms out with the current camera. Will use the Digital PTZ when it is enabled. Zommar ut med aktuell kamera. Digital PTZ används om aktiverad.
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PTZ Zoom Out | PTZ Zooma ut | Details | |
Zooms in with the current camera. Will use the Digital PTZ when it is enabled. | Zommar in med aktuell kamera. Digital PTZ används om aktiverad. | Details | |
Zooms in with the current camera. Will use the Digital PTZ when it is enabled. Zommar in med aktuell kamera. Digital PTZ används om aktiverad.
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PTZ Zoom In | PTZ Zooma in | Details | |
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