Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Manual intervention required | Manuell åtgärd krävs | Details | |
Camera detected | Kamera hittades | Details | |
External | Extern | Details | |
There is an externally powered device plugged into this port. %s did not detect a camera. | Det finns en enhet med extern strömförsörjning ansluten till porten. %s hittade ingen kamera. | Details | |
There is an externally powered device plugged into this port. %s did not detect a camera. Det finns en enhet med extern strömförsörjning ansluten till porten. %s hittade ingen kamera.
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There is a PoE device on this port that is drawing power. %s did not detect a camera. | Det finns en PoE-enhet på porten som förbrukar ström . %s hittade ingen kamera. | Details | |
There is a PoE device on this port that is drawing power. %s did not detect a camera. Det finns en PoE-enhet på porten som förbrukar ström . %s hittade ingen kamera.
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The PoE board has exceeded its power budget. Please remove a device from the system. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The PoE board has exceeded its power budget. Please remove a device from the system.
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A PoE device has drawn too much power. If this is not resolved automatically, a camera may need to be removed from the system. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
A PoE device has drawn too much power. If this is not resolved automatically, a camera may need to be removed from the system.
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Not present | Inte tillgänlig | Details | |
No camera detected | Ingen kamera hittades | Details | |
Scanning port | Scannar port | Details | |
Over budget | Över budget | Details | |
Fault | Fel | Details | |
Budget | Budget | Details | |
Power | Effekt | Details | |
Power cycle Warning | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
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