Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This will permanently delete the checked Serial Port(s). | Åtgärden kommer att ta bort markerad(e) serieport(ar). Vill du fortsätta? | Details | |
This will permanently delete the checked Serial Port(s). Åtgärden kommer att ta bort markerad(e) serieport(ar).↵ Vill du fortsätta?
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New... | Ny... | Details | |
Authenticating... | Autentiserar | Details | |
Authentication Failed | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Displaying Search | Visar Sökning | Details | |
Unable to connect to targets. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Unable to connect to any archive targets. An offline search is not possible at this time. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Unable to connect to any archive targets. An offline search is not possible at this time.
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Direct search has been disabled | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Establishing connection to archive targets... | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Connecting to archives... | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Case '%s' has no more bookmarks left. Would you like to delete it? | Caset '%s' har inga bokmärken. Vill du ta bort caset? | Details | |
Case '%s' has no more bookmarks left. Would you like to delete it? Caset '%s' har inga bokmärken. Vill du ta bort caset?
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Delete Case? | Ta bort case? | Details | |
Deleting %s '%s' will delete all bookmarks and allow any recorded data associated with it to be deleted. | Om caset '%s' tas bort kommer alla bokmärken och relaterad video att tas bort. Vill du fortsätta? | Details | |
Deleting %s '%s' will delete all bookmarks and allow any recorded data associated with it to be deleted. Om caset '%s' tas bort kommer alla bokmärken och relaterad video att tas bort. Vill du fortsätta?
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Delete Bookmark? | Ta bort bokmärke? | Details | |
Deleting bookmark '%s' will allow any recorded data associated with it to be deleted. Are you sure? | Om bokmärket '%s' tas bort kommer all inspelad video och övrig data associerad med bokmärket att tas bort. Är du säker? | Details | |
Deleting bookmark '%s' will allow any recorded data associated with it to be deleted. Are you sure? Om bokmärket '%s' tas bort kommer all inspelad video och övrig data associerad med bokmärket att tas bort. Är du säker?
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