Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Size (GB) | Tamanho (GB) | Details | |
Changing the volume type will permanently delete all video stored on the volume. Any video previously recorded to the volume will no longer be searchable. | A alteração de tipo de volume irá excluir todo vídeo armazenado no volume permanentemente. Qualquer vídeo previamente gravado para o volume não mais será pesquisável. Deseja continuar? | Details | |
Changing the volume type will permanently delete all video stored on the volume. Any video previously recorded to the volume will no longer be searchable. A alteração de tipo de volume irá excluir todo vídeo armazenado no volume permanentemente. Qualquer vídeo previamente gravado para o volume não mais será pesquisável.↵ Deseja continuar?
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The current storage configuration has not been saved. | A configuração de armazenamento atual não foi salva. Deseja continuar? | Details | |
The current storage configuration has not been saved. A configuração de armazenamento atual não foi salva.↵ Deseja continuar?
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There are still pending changes from the last saved configuration. If you continue any changes not yet completed will be canceled. Are you sure? | Ainda há alterações pendentes da última configuração salva. Se você continuar, qualquer alteração ainda não concluída será cancelada. Tem certeza? | Details | |
There are still pending changes from the last saved configuration. If you continue any changes not yet completed will be canceled. Are you sure? Ainda há alterações pendentes da última configuração salva. Se você continuar, qualquer alteração ainda não concluída será cancelada. Tem certeza?
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Waiting for storage changes to take affect in order to complete configuration... | Aguardando que alterações de armazenamento entrem em vigor a fim de concluir a configuração... | Details | |
Waiting for storage changes to take affect in order to complete configuration... Aguardando que alterações de armazenamento entrem em vigor a fim de concluir a configuração...
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Waiting for old systems to be removed in order to complete configuration... | Aguardando que antigos sistemas sejam removidos a fim de concluir a configuração... | Details | |
Waiting for old systems to be removed in order to complete configuration... Aguardando que antigos sistemas sejam removidos a fim de concluir a configuração...
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Inactivity Lockout (Days) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Auto Reset (Minutes) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Login Lockout (Attempts) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Verifiers | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
User Security features will not be updated on managed systems. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
User Security features will not be updated on managed systems.
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This access schedule is associated with one or more users and may not be deleted. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This access schedule is associated with one or more users and may not be deleted.
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This access schedule already exists and is associated with one or more users. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This access schedule already exists and is associated with one or more users.
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This access schedule is associated with one or more users. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This access schedule is associated with one or more users.
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This will permanently delete this access schedule from all selected systems. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This will permanently delete this access schedule from all selected systems.
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