Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Invalid discovery response. Reconnecting. | Risposta discovery non valida. Riconnessione in corso. | Details | |
Invalid discovery response. Reconnecting. Risposta discovery non valida. Riconnessione in corso.
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Received key acknowledgement. | Riconoscimento chiave ricevuto. | Details | |
Received key acknowledgement. Riconoscimento chiave ricevuto.
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Invalid key acknowledgement. Ignoring. | Riconoscimento chiave non valido. Ignora. | Details | |
Invalid key acknowledgement. Ignoring. Riconoscimento chiave non valido. Ignora.
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Received key update request. | Richiesta aggiornamento chiave ricevuta. | Details | |
Received key update request. Richiesta aggiornamento chiave ricevuta.
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Invalid key request. Reconnecting. | Richiesta chiave non valida. Riconnessione in corso. | Details | |
Invalid key request. Reconnecting. Richiesta chiave non valida. Riconnessione in corso.
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Network Activity Timeout. Requesting Discovery. | Timeout attività di rete. Richiesta directory. | Details | |
Network Activity Timeout. Requesting Discovery. Timeout attività di rete. Richiesta directory.
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Address unresponsive or blocked by firewall or router. Reconnecting. | L'indirizzo non risponde o è bloccato da un firewall o un router. Riconnessione in corso. | Details | |
Address unresponsive or blocked by firewall or router. Reconnecting. L'indirizzo non risponde o è bloccato da un firewall o un router. Riconnessione in corso.
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Connected. | Connesso. | Details | |
Locating system. | Localizzazione sistema. | Details | |
Maximum Connections Reached (%d). Retrying. | Massimo numero di connessioni raggiunto (%d). Nuovo Tentativo in Corso. | Details | |
Maximum Connections Reached (%d). Retrying. Massimo numero di connessioni raggiunto (%d). Nuovo Tentativo in Corso.
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Cannot create client log directory | Impossibile creare una directory client log | Details | |
Cannot create client log directory Impossibile creare una directory client log
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Login failed - invalid username or password, or account locked or disabled. Disconnecting. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Login failed - invalid username or password, or account locked or disabled. Disconnecting.
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Size | Dimensione | Details | |
Icon | Icona | Details | |
Show 8x6 format | Mostra formato 8x6 | Details | |
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