Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
External IP: | 外部 IP: | Details | |
Internet Address | 互联网地址 | Details | |
(Not Configured) | (未配置) | Details | |
The detected external internet address is the address detected by the diagnostic tool when running the test. The external URL and internal IP addresses are detected locally by the web service. | 检测到的外部互联网地址是在运行测试时由诊断工具检测出来的。外部的URL和内部的IP地址由本地的网络服务检测。 | Details | |
The detected external internet address is the address detected by the diagnostic tool when running the test. The external URL and internal IP addresses are detected locally by the web service. 检测到的外部互联网地址是在运行测试时由诊断工具检测出来的。外部的URL和内部的IP地址由本地的网络服务检测。
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Inbound port result(s) indicate that the given port is reachable from the internet. A failing test indicates these ports are not reachable from the internet and that you may need to open them if access is desired from outside your local network. | 站内端口结果显示所给端口可通过网络到达。一项失败测试显示,这些端口无法通过网络到达,如果从局部网络外进行访问,您可能需要打开它们。 | Details | |
Inbound port result(s) indicate that the given port is reachable from the internet. A failing test indicates these ports are not reachable from the internet and that you may need to open them if access is desired from outside your local network. 站内端口结果显示所给端口可通过网络到达。一项失败测试显示,这些端口无法通过网络到达,如果从局部网络外进行访问,您可能需要打开它们。
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The outbound connection indicates that the web service was able to make a request to the internet to run the diagnostic test. | 站外连接显示网络服务能够进行运行诊断测试的网络请求。 | Details | |
The outbound connection indicates that the web service was able to make a request to the internet to run the diagnostic test. 站外连接显示网络服务能够进行运行诊断测试的网络请求。
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Outbound connection failed, could not detect external IP address. | 站外连接失败,无法检测外部的IP地址。 | Details | |
Outbound connection failed, could not detect external IP address. 站外连接失败,无法检测外部的IP地址。
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The configured port for HTTPS communication is not open for incoming requests from the internet. | HTTP通信配置端口没有对来自网络的请求开放。 | Details | |
The configured port for HTTPS communication is not open for incoming requests from the internet. HTTP通信配置端口没有对来自网络的请求开放。
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This may indicate that incoming requests are blocked on this port by a firewall or similar technology. | 这可能表明传入请求在此端口上已被防火墙或类似技术阻止。 | Details | |
This may indicate that incoming requests are blocked on this port by a firewall or similar technology. 这可能表明传入请求在此端口上已被防火墙或类似技术阻止。
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The configured port for HTTP communication is not open for incoming requests from the internet. | HTTP通信配置端口没有对网络传入请求开放。 | Details | |
The configured port for HTTP communication is not open for incoming requests from the internet. HTTP通信配置端口没有对网络传入请求开放。
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Note: The Inbound Internet Connection tests will all fail due to this test failing. | 注意:由于此次检测失败,入站连接检测也将会全部失败。 | Details | |
Note: The Inbound Internet Connection tests will all fail due to this test failing. 注意:由于此次检测失败,入站连接检测也将会全部失败。
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This may indicate that internet access is blocked for the web service by a firewall or similar technology. | 这可能显示网络服务的访问已被防火墙或类似技术阻止。 | Details | |
This may indicate that internet access is blocked for the web service by a firewall or similar technology. 这可能显示网络服务的访问已被防火墙或类似技术阻止。
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The web service was unable to reach an internet location to run the diagnostic tools. | 网络服务无法到达某个网络位置以运行诊断工具。 | Details | |
The web service was unable to reach an internet location to run the diagnostic tools. 网络服务无法到达某个网络位置以运行诊断工具。
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Idle | 空闲 | Details | |
Other | 其他 | Details | |
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