Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
REX Access Denied | Acceso a REX denegado | Details | |
Lock Failure | Fallo de bloqueo | Details | |
Forced Open | Apertura forzada | Details | |
Input Alarmed | Entrada en alarma | Details | |
Door Open | Puerta abierta | Details | |
State Error | Error de estado | Details | |
Loading... | Cargando... | Details | |
Unnamed Case | Caso sin nombre | Details | |
(No Case) | (Sin casos) | Details | |
Using HTTP | Usando HTTP | Details | |
HTTPS not available; using HTTP | HTTPS no disponible; usando HTTP | Details | |
HTTPS not available; using HTTP HTTPS no disponible; usando HTTP
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Using HTTPS | Usando HTTPS | Details | |
Displaying %d of %d cameras | Mostrando %d de %d cámaras | Details | |
This recording configuration will not fit in the available resources. | Esta configuración de grabación no encajará en los recursos disponibles. | Details | |
This recording configuration will not fit in the available resources. Esta configuración de grabación no encajará en los recursos disponibles.
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The chosen resolution is a different aspect ratio than the primary stream. | La resolución elegida tiene distinta relación de aspecto que la secuencia principal. | Details | |
The chosen resolution is a different aspect ratio than the primary stream. La resolución elegida tiene distinta relación de aspecto que la secuencia principal.
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